What is User Services Platform (USP) / TR-369?
Guía de protocolo USP | Visión general de USP/TR-369 para ISP y proveedores de servicios

Gestión de dispositivos de última generación para redes conectadas
Descargue la nueva guía Broadband Forum Guide for ISPs: ¡Transición de TR-069 a TR-369 (USP)!
Este libro blanco pretende guiar a los ISP a través del proceso de transición, destacando las ventajas de TR-369, la coexistencia de ambos protocolos y los planteamientos estratégicos para una integración sin fisuras.

Introduction to USP / TR-369 Device Management
TR-369, also known as the User Services Platform (USP), is a modern protocol developed by the Broadband Forum to manage connected devices and services in smart home and broadband environments. It enhances the capabilities of the earlier TR-069 standard, offering improved scalability, security, and real-time communication. USP enables efficient device lifecycle management, automation, and seamless integration across heterogeneous networks and platforms. Overall, USP represents a significant advancement in device management protocols, aligning with the needs of complex networks by offering enhanced features and flexibility.
¿Qué es un agente USP?
The USP Controller is a service-side function that enables USP Agents to connect, exchange data, and implement necessary use cases. It can be integrated into specific applications, such as remote device management systems or self-service apps on customer smartphones. Alternatively, the USP Controller can operate as a standalone system, allowing other systems to interact with devices via northbound APIs, such as for monitoring platforms or customer support help desks.
¿Qué es USP Controller?
Un agente USP es un software integrado en el firmware de un dispositivo que implementa el protocolo USP para conectarse con USP Controller e intercambiar datos. Proporciona un modelo de datos basado en la especificación TR-181i2 establecida, conocido como modelo de datos soportado, que enlaza con la configuración, los servicios y la información de estado del dispositivo a través de protocolos internos. De este modo, USP Controller puede interactuar eficazmente con el sistema.
¡Descargue el nuevo Libro Blanco COMPLIMENTARIO Axiros AXACT Beneficios!
We’re happily sharing our expertise and the software built on it with our valued customers to give them a competitive edge. Learn more about how AXACT offers the most efficient and effective approach to make devices manageable via USP and TR-069.
What Makes Axiros the Ideal Choice for Your USP/TR-369 Deployment?
Axiros stands out as the ideal partner for your USP/TR-369 deployment, offering a proven track record in device management and network automation. With robust and scalable solutions, Axiros ensures seamless integration with existing infrastructure while delivering advanced features for real-time communication and control. To connect USP Agents, Axiros provides both WebSocket MTP and MQTT MTP options, each offering distinct advantages tailored to different use cases. This flexibility ensures optimal solutions for your network requirements, with efficient implementation, enhanced security, and superior user experiences.
Our USP/TR-369 Controller development is led by Daniel Egger, a highly regarded expert in the field. As the Broadband Forum Connected User Data Model Project Lead, Daniel stays at the forefront of technical advancements, ensuring that Axiros' solutions are always aligned with the latest industry updates and best practices.
USP offers numerous advantages for device management and network optimization. It provides enhanced interoperability and flexibility through its standardized framework, facilitating seamless communication between devices and services from any vendors. This results in improved network efficiency and reduced operational costs. Additionally, USP's data collection capabilities allow for efficient network monitoring, powerful analytics and sophisticated performance optimization as well as proactive network maintenance. By providing secure and efficient remote device management as well as real-time notification capabilities between service providers and customer premises equipment, this results in enhanced troubleshooting capabilities and a decrease in operational expenses.
Additionally, USP offers scalable deployment options, allowing for seamless integration of new services and devices without significant infrastructure changes.
Furthermore, the protocol mandates robust security features, safeguarding data and maintaining privacy through advanced authentication and encryption measures. This is crucial in protecting sensitive information and maintaining user trust as well as fulfilling the requirements imposed by regulators.
By leveraging these advantages and gained insights, service providers can enhance the user experience and ensure high-quality service delivery. Overall, USP contributes significantly to more effective, efficient and secure network operations.
USP offers several security features to ensure safe and reliable device management. Key security features include:
Encryption: Data transmitted between devices and servers must be encrypted with the latest encryption technologies to protect sensitive information from injection, replaying, interception and tampering.
Authentication: USP offers strong authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of both the Controller and Agents, preventing unauthorized access.
Access Control: The protocol includes mechanisms for defining and enforcing access control policies, ensuring that Controllers can access or manage only the specific resources they are authorized for.
Compatibility with existing network infrastructure is a key advantage of USP, as it is designed to work alongside legacy systems like TR-069 while enabling modern functionalities. Since it shares the same data representation as TR-069, systems and people do not need adaption to a different data format and can easily adjust to work with either or both protocols at the same time. Also USP provides a built-in mechanism to onboard new devices from TR-069, allowing for a simplified and automated roll-out whenever the devices and infrastructure are ready for the switch. Of course, TR-069 and USP can be used side-by-side allowing for parallel operation and phased transition to reap the benefits without the burden of a major migration project.
Transitioning to USP is crucial for modernizing device management, service management and enhancing network efficiency. It provides sophisticated features such as real-time communication, improved security, and seamless scalability, thereby unlocking new possibilities such as proactive network maintenance, improved customer support, automatic fault clearance and service optimization, QoE and QoS tracking and auditing and thus ensuring superior service delivery. Embracing USP future-proofs your network by facilitating integration with emerging technologies and adapting to evolving user requirements.
Perspectivas virtuales para TR-369/USP
Mastering USP: A Practical Guide, Protocol Status, and Use Cases
Join Daniel Egger, our Principal Software Engineer and USP Evangelist, as he takes you through 7 levels to master USP/TR369 in the video from this year's Axiros Customer Council.
Visión general de USP 1.3 (TR-369)
En este vídeo, Jason Walls, Director del Área de Trabajo de Servicios al Usuario de Banda Ancha de Broadband Forum y Director de Marketing Técnico de QA Cafe, ofrece una visión general de los orígenes y las características básicas de Broadband Forum User Services Platform (USP) definidas en TR-369.
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Nuestros productos basados en USP/TR-369
Todos los productos de Axiros pueden implantarse y utilizarse "in situ " o "como servicio".